Source Samples

- Developed during my Masters and Research period at LiU University.
- This list is mix of published projects (scientific papers),
proof of concept (research) or code from my Masters programme.
- All my research projects involves 80 to 90% coding.

Note: This source code is for review purpose only.
Please refrain from using it for any other purpose.

ABuffer Module

- ABuffer technique for blending transpararent framgments.
- Implemented general purpose module for Inviwo from scratch.


Depth Of Field (DoF)

- Based on above A-Buffer.
- Depth of Field effect for molecular visualization was implemented.
- Published at Pacific Visualization Conference 2015.


Charge Transportation (CT)

This is a collaboration project with group of Physicists researching flow of charges in solar cell materials using simulations run on super computers. We help them visualizing the charge transport path.


Inviwo Core Contributions

Primary Contributions (Core):

- Implementation of Serialization/Deserialization.
- Linking Properties/Link Editor across entire network.

- OpenGL Texture cache management in Data Ports.




First Authored Publications

1. Coverage-based opacity estimation for interactive depth of field in molecular visualization
by S Kottravel, M Falk, E Sunden, T Ropinski, IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 255-262

2. Visual Analysis of Stochastic Trajectory Ensembles in Organic Solar Cell Design
by S Kottravel, R Volpi, M Linares, T Ropinski, I Hotz, Informatics 4 (3), 25

3. Visual Analysis of Charge Flow Networks for Complex Morphologies
by S Kottravel, M Falk, TB Masood, M Linares, I Hotz - Computer Graphics Forum, 2019

Co-Authored Publications

4. Multimodal volume illumination by E Sunden, S Kottravel, T Ropinski Computers & Graphics 50, 47-60

5. A crowdsourcing system for integrated and reproducible evaluation in scientific visualization
by R Englund, S Kottravel, T Ropinski, Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2016 IEEE, 40-47

6. Inviwo-An extensible, multi-purpose visualization framework (Poster)
by E Sunden, P Steneteg, S Kottravel, D Jonsson, R Englund, M Falk, T Ropinski,
Scientific Visualization Conference (SciVis), 2015 IEEE, 163-164

7. Inviwo-A Visualization System with Usage Abstraction Levels
by D Jonsson, P Steneteg, E Sunden, R Englund, S Kottravel, M Falk, A Ynnerman, I Hotz, T Ropinski,
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.12517

8. A Crowdsourcing System for Integrated and Reproducible Evaluation in Scientific Visualization
by R Englund, S Kottravel, T Ropinski

9. Effect of Polarization on the Mobility of C60: A Kinetic Monte Carlo Study (Contribution: Visualizations Only)
by R Volpi, S Kottravel, MS Norby, S Stafstrom, M Linares, Journal of chemical theory and computation 12 (2), 812-824


Masters Thesis

- Final year Masters thesis on non-linear solver.
- GPGPU based soft body simulation written using C++ and CUDA.
- This framework integrates Haptics System.
- Exploits GPU to solve finite element model (FEM).
- Uses Total Lagrangian Explicit Dynamics Algorithm (TLED).
- Data acceleration is the main focus of this thesis work.


Maya Plugin (GPU Solver)

- Project implemented during Masters programme.
- GPGPU based cloth simulation plugin for Autodesk Maya.
- Native plugin written using C++ and CUDA.


Global Illumination (CPU Parallelization)

- Project implemented during Masters programme.
- Implementation of Monte Carlo method for rendering realistic images.
- Some CPU acceleration techniques.
- Implementation of Direct, Indirect illumination, Specular Reflection, Refraction and Multiple lights


Unity Plugin (Volume RayCaster)

- Implemented Volume Raycaster
- For rendering volumetric data such as CT, MRI.
- Front to back slicing and compositing
- Volume visualization using Ray Marching in GPU Shaders.
- Volume Slicing and interactions are added using Unity3D. 
- ( Data and references are available upon request)


Unreal Game Demo (UE4)

- Third Person Game that I try to develop during my spare time.
- There is nothing much to say at the moment.
- Trying to experiment with Procedural Foliage Tools in Unreal Engine UE4. 
- No source code available. Only video demo.


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